Unusual Response

Monday, November 03, 2008

So, the sermon was about how every breakthrough, every manifestation of the written word or Logos (becoming the living word) requires an unusual response.

I think the difficulty for me, is what exactly constitutes this unusual response? That which is unusual for others, may be usual to me. That which is unusual to me, may be usual to others. I guess it refers to the context where the 'normal' response is that which most people in the world would deem the logical, rational, and understandable one.

I'm reminded again by Prov 13:12, about how unfulfilled hope for success and breakthrough makes the heart sick, and THIS is the reason why breakthrough is necessary! Without seeing the hand of God moving, it is impossible to keep having a passion for His things, to find excitement in life, to wake up each morning looking forward to newer things...

A sick heart is one where visions from God become merely a prolonged and unfulfilled hope or could degenerate into merely wishful thinking... In order to overcome this, the manifestation of God's promises in our lives is necessary!

As I reflect back on the visions I have for my life, for the things God has called me to, I know that there are many times where I feel discouraged, that these visions are so difficult to fulfill, that they're just a desire that is intangible, and sometimes, even that they're not from Him... but I believe, that as I give my unusual response... as I do something that steps beyond that which is ordinary, beyond that which is 'usual', His word will become flesh in my life!

I present to You my first fruits!

Posted by Gerald at 11/03/2008 12:17:00 AM