Don't let things get you down

Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's amazing how small and simple events and conversations can either make your day, or turn it upside down for you.

It's only in relying on His love that one can keep going strong and putting on a smile that's genuine, because we carry His presence.

This presence really helps us to keep the disappointing things to a minimum, because He helps us say the right things, make the right decisions, do the right thing...

More of You, Lord, that is all I seek. Everything else is secondary, even though they may still be very important to me. I lay them aside, focusing on You, loving You...

Let everything I do, be done as to You. Let my desires be aligned with Yours, for I Seek not to glorify or gratify myself, but to glorify You Lord.

So don't let anything get you down, but with prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, present your petition to God... He'll help...

I love, because You first love me.

Posted by Gerald at 5/15/2008 10:47:00 AM